Why 10,000 steps a day?
Research has shown that increasing physical activity by achieving at least 10,000
steps a day for over 12 weeks, improves both “physical and mood states in
sedentary overweight individuals”
- Increasing physical activity has shown to significantly decrease depression, anger,
fatigue, and other negative moods.
- It has also shown to significantly decrease weight, body mass index, waist
circumference, and body fat percentage. “
Research suggest having a goal of 10,000 steps a day to maintain a healthy level
of physical activity
- For adults, this will burn around 300-400 calories.
It is estimated that most people achieve around 4,000-6,000 steps a day from normal daily activity.
When there is a step deficit, participating in sports and/or home activities is an effective way to reach one’s daily step goal.
- Examples of sports activities: Running, boxing, swimming, jogging, jump rope, bicycling, etc.
- Examples of home activities: Running upstairs, gardening, taking out the trash, moving furniture, mowing lawn,
sweeping/mopping floors, etc.
A pedometer is an effective way of keeping track of daily steps.
Minding our Bodies
Studies have suggested that not only is exercise a great way to stay in shape, but also a great way to improve mental well-being and from there affect other things.
Emotion and Mood
-Positive effects on how one feels and acts. And also how they feel and act towards other people.
Quality of Life
-The more physical activity can produce a greater quality of life for an individual
-A greater sense of self worth and belonging.
-Confidence is not only boosted because one feels better about what they are doing and how they are doing it, but also because they physically look better.
-When exercising and eating right, one may feel more energized and willing to do more things.
Cognitive Health
-Researchers say that physical activity does help cognitive tasks but more often than none, it is based on the tasks you do. The more fast-paced and demanding exercises have a greater impact.